
For Our Future.
Lead On: A Campaign for TCU is the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the university’s history and engages all aspects of the university in a unified and unifying effort. The philanthropic support we generate will help TCU secure unparalleled funding for people and programs and to increase TCU’s endowment.

Campaign Funds Will Be Invested in the Following Four High-Level University Priorities:
Strengthen Academic Profile & Reputation
The challenges in our world are endless.
We are called to imagine what the future might hold for TCU graduates and to design the programs that will prepare them to meet every demand.
Strengthening academic profile and reputation may be our most significant and most far-reaching priority, and it’s one that has been in the making throughout our history. We have made tremendous progress in strengthening our academic profile and reputation, and we must keep that momentum going.
Strengthen the University’s Endowment
As TCU continues to enhance its academic profile and reputation, it’s critical that we also work to make the TCU experience affordable to every student who earns admission.
The act of building an endowment supports our collective confidence in our mission and the independence to proactively pursue a bold vision. A healthy endowment also means that TCU’s values and priorities, rather than external forces, influence university decisions to a greater degree.
With a stronger endowment, TCU will significantly increase its financial strength and competitive advantage.
Strengthen TCU Experience & Campus Culture
At TCU, the student, faculty and staff experience and campus culture are as important as the academic experience. These complementary pieces are integral to TCU’s mission and support the university’s unique overall promise.
It’s not enough to simply attract the best; we must create an environment in which they want to stay, and in which they ultimately thrive.
The TCU experience should separate and elevate the university in the hearts and minds of our constituencies.
Strengthen Workforce for Both Employees & Graduates
To be the best, TCU must nurture the strongest faculty and staff who will then prepare graduates to use their university experience to make a positive and lasting contribution to society, serving as ethical leaders within their chosen fields.
We know that the world needs leadership from good, smart people who are driven to make a difference, and who are unwilling to compromise their principles in the process. We believe our students, faculty and staff are those leaders.